Some Fun Stuff Other Than Writing!

Hey, I am spreading my wings and in addition to my writing career, I now have an Etsy shop! It’s called AttitudenalsGiftMugs. Check out the link to the right! My mugs and stuff will also be available for sale on Amazon and eBay very soon!  And yes, I am also selling my journals right here on the Attitudenals page, as well as on the Facebook page. They are on Amazon so you can also find them all on my Amazon Author Page, too. See the link on my links list!!!
And…I am writing under a pen name for fun. J. Madison Ree. So check out the links to the right and read some cheap and fun episodic sci fi and horror adventures on Fictionate and Kindle Vella!
And don’t forget my epic shared world conspiracy thriller series “Black Mariah” as more books are added. You can check that out at!

I also have a store called From Crappy to Happy on GearBubble with fun and funky mugs and other gift items.

King’s Boulevard Short Film

KINGS BOULEVARD, the short satire on equality in Hollywood I wrote and co-produced for director Neil Payne of RockChalk Pictures, had a huge festival run and is now up on YouTube for anyone to view!

Here is the link: King’s Boulevard Short Film



Coming in July 2021!

The book trailer to BLACK MARIAH, the shared world conspiracy/thriller series I created with writers from all over the world, is live on YouTube!

Here is the link!

Episodes are available for pre-order, too.

More info on


New Book Out Now!



“Disinformation and You: Identify Propaganda and Manipulation” is out now in all bookstores online and off, in eBook and print. It’s a comprehensive examination of propaganda throughout history, and how it is being used today to manipulate your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs! Get a copy of this important book…before the censors take it down! And be sure to sign up on this page for my newsletter for upcoming releases, news, and giveaways!