Some Fun Stuff Other Than Writing!
I also have a store called From Crappy to Happy on GearBubble with fun and funky mugs and other gift items.
I also have a store called From Crappy to Happy on GearBubble with fun and funky mugs and other gift items.
KINGS BOULEVARD, the short satire on equality in Hollywood I wrote and co-produced for director Neil Payne of RockChalk Pictures, had a huge festival run and is now up on YouTube for anyone to view!
Here is the link: King’s Boulevard Short Film
The book trailer to BLACK MARIAH, the shared world conspiracy/thriller series I created with writers from all over the world, is live on YouTube!
Here is the link!
Episodes are available for pre-order, too.
More info on
“Disinformation and You: Identify Propaganda and Manipulation” is out now in all bookstores online and off, in eBook and print. It’s a comprehensive examination of propaganda throughout history, and how it is being used today to manipulate your thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs! Get a copy of this important book…before the censors take it down! And be sure to sign up on this page for my newsletter for upcoming releases, news, and giveaways!