We are so proud to announce that EKHO, written by my son and I, will be a part of Open Road Media’s BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH campaign for October, 2014!


New book news – coming in 2015 – MIND WARS – with Larry Flaxman, a history of mind control and electronic surveillance, including what the future holds in terms of how we are being watched, controlled, programmed, directed, harassed and manipulated…and often without our even realizing it. MIND WARS is being published by NEW PAGE BOOKS and is set for spring of 2015. If you ever thought mind control was just the stuff of conspiracy theories, YOU WOULD BE WRONG. Find out the facts, and the theories…in MIND WARS. Who owns YOUR mind?

MIND WARS set for early 2015 release!

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New Novel Deal!!!

Just got contracts in for my third fiction series, GRIDWALKERS, written with my co-author Larry Flaxman! The tentative release date is Feb. 2015! This is a NEW ADULT novel that features some of the science and theory we’ve written about in a number of our non-fiction books, including “THE GRID: EXPLORING THE HIDDEN INFRASTRUCTURE OF REALITY,” and is what we like to call “science FACTion.” Look for more details soon!