“Viral Mythology:

How the Truth of the Ancients Was Encoded and Passed Down Through Legend, Art, and Architecture”

Behind every myth, fairy tale and legend…hidden within the art, song and structure of ancient times…is an encoded layer of wisdom, science, and truth passed down throughout history. This book will examine how information went “viral” long before the Internet, and served as the foundation for mythology, sacred architecture and symbolic imagery throughout the ancient world.

“Viral Mythology” will examine:

*How primitive and ancient cultures conveyed cutting edge scientific knowledge in origin stories and myths.

*Why esoteric knowledge was hidden in symbols, art and architecture during times of religious oppression and persecution.

*How stories, songs and art served to describe actual historical events.

*Why diverse civilizations told the same stories and created the same art with common themes and symbols, despite no apparent means of physical communication.

From the great myths of the Greek, Roman and Norse to the texts of the world’s major religions, from folklore and fairy tales of old to the sacred edifices and monuments, from cave paintings to the mysterious symbology of the Tarot…”Viral Mythology” uncovers the information highway of the past, and  explores how it affects the more modern methods of communication today.

It all began once upon a time…

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