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2013: The End of Days or a New...

Full Title: 2013 - End of Days or A New Beginning: Envisioning The World After the Events of 2012
Publisher: New Page Books
Purchase: Barnes & Noble,

The 5,125-year-long Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, which many claim portends a massive global transformation. Some dread its arrival, believing it will be the beginning of the end. Others await it with delicious anticipation, expecting it to be the catalyst for a quantum leap of consciousness, the dawning of a true New Age. Others wonder if anything at all will occur - remember Y2K?

2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning? examines all of the popular myths, prophecies, and predictions circulating about 2012, including the Mayan teachings of time acceleration and global awakening on a consciousness level. Furthermore it takes an in-depth look at lesser-known predictions and prophecies, and at the more scientific and reality-based challenges we will face.

Some of the questions this book explores include:

  • Will cosmic and earthly chaos disrupt our lives with destructive sunspot cycles, volcanic super-eruptions, monster storms, mass extinctions, and asteroid threats?
  • Will huge leaps in technology create bionic humans, computers that think, and an end to all disease - possibly even death itself?
  • Will economic and geopolitical powers shift out of the West and into the “the New Eurasia, with new wars being fought over dwindling resources as global warming takes its toll?
  • Will this be the evolution revolution of human consciousness - or the final countdown that leads to Armageddon itself?
  • Will it be the apocalypse so many have feared - or the rebirth of the world and the transformation of humanity?

There is much, much more to the 2012 enigma than just an ancient calendar, and
2013: The End of Days or a New Beginning? will prove it.

Quotes and Reviews

"This is not a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse. This is not a pseudo-millennium. This is the real thing, folks...the last chance before things become so dissipated that there is no chance for cohesiveness."
-- Terence McKenna, author of The Invisible Landscape and Food of the Gods

"2013 is an essential read, and one that is at various times uplifting, disturbing, highly thought-provoking, but never without importance or relevance to anyone and everyone alive today."
-- Nick Redfern, author of There's Something in the Woods

"Effervescent, savvy and well versed, this popular author has exhaustively researched the writings and thoughts of those who see humanity's coming travails as a birthing process."
-- Marshall Masters, Cut to the Chase Radio
