Full Title: 11:11 - The Time Prompt Phenomenon: The Meaning Behind Mysterious Signs, Sequences, & Synchronicities
Publisher: New Page Books
Purchase: Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com

Is it happening to you? You wake up at night, look at the clock and notice that it is 11:11pm. This happens again the next night, and the next. You think it is a coincidence, but what if you were to discover that it was happening to others…possibly millions of others… all over the world?

And that it meant something...something important?

The reports of people noticing strange and repeated associations with the number 11 are on the rise, prompting theories connecting this phenomenon with the coming Mayan Calendar end date of 12-21-2012. But it's not just the number 11 that is showing up in people's lives - often accompanied by unusual events or profound insights or even the appearances of angels and aliens. Mysterious numbers and strange sequences appear throughout the history of human experience. What do they mean? What secrets do they keep? Are these wake-up calls to a higher state of consciousness, triggers of paranormal experiences, or the activation of what some scientists refer to as "junk DNA?"

Some of the topics this book will explore include:

We live according to times, dates and numbers, and this book will explore the mysteries of the 11:11 phenomenon and other ways in which numbers compose the very foundation of our reality. Numbers shape our destiny, both personal and collective.

As Pythagoras once said, "All is number."

For more information, be sure to check out Marie's article about the 11:11 time prompt phenomenon in the November issue of Fate and Fortune Magazine (sold in the UK) and in the November issue of Phenomena Magazine!

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